Base Converter: Binary, Octal, Decimal and Hexadecimal

Base Converter: Binary, Octal, Decimal and Hexadecimal

Longer Precision Pump Co., Ltd provides high-accuracy peristaltic pumps for laboratories and industrials around the world.

Their peristaltic pumps can be controlled remotely from a computer which can give you more flexibility and convenience, especially if you want to run complex pumping programs with loops, pauses, and varying flow rates.

The communication control is based on the Longer RS485 protocol, which is a serial communication protocol that allows you to send commands and receive responses from the pump. 

While writing the control command string, some bytes (rotation speed and flow rate) require conversions from decimal to hexadecimal. The base converter below can be therefore a useful tool for your base conversions.


[…] 00 C8 refers to the rotation speed, 00 C8(hex) = 200(dec); the speed unit being 0.1 rpm ⇒ the rotation speed = 20 rpm (check our online base conversion tool) […]

[…] 00 C8 refers to the rotation speed, 00 C8(hex) = 200(dec); the speed unit being 0.1 rpm ⇒ the rotation speed = 20 rpm (check our online base conversion tool) […]

[…] 07 D0 refers to the rotation speed, 07 D0(hex) = 2000(dec); the speed unit being 0.01 rpm ⇒ the rotation speed = 20 rpm (check our online base conversion tool) […]

[…] 00 96 refers to the rotation speed, 0096(hex) = 150(dec) (check our online base conversion tool) […]

[…] 00 96 refers to the rotation speed, 0096(hex) = 150(dec) (check our online base conversion tool) […]

[…] 07 D0 refers to the rotation speed, 07 D0(hex) = 2000(dec); the speed unit being 0.01 rpm ⇒ the rotation speed = 20 rpm (check our online base conversion tool) […]

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